May 29, 2012

Tuesday Tune

Happy Tuesday!  I've rounded up some new favorites of mine - I'm not sure how they've slipped through the cracks but I recently heard them and want to share with you.

"...this is the beginning of your day, life is more intricate than it seems, always be yourself along the way, living through the spirit of your dreams..."

"...and I never knew before but I feel like a child in a cold, cold war, so strong, so tough, sitting in suburbia, waiting for the wind up, and I don't want to dance... I just want to jump from the prison of circumstance..."


Lisa Graham said...

Happy Tuesday Dee!

I really like Labor of Love...and the video is very cool!

Lisa Graham said...

PS: I shared some music on my blog today and linked to you. Thanks for the inspiration. : )


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