July 28, 2011

See You Soon

Dear Readers (all two of you!),

I'm taking a short break from this space.  I feel I've been running dry on inspiration and I need to regroup!  There are a few areas in my life that need some attention at the moment but I'll be back soon - I can't leave this space for long!


July 19, 2011

Tuesday Tune

An amazing singer, songwriter, artist, and woman.  For me, her voice is perfection.  I've been in a Sarah kind of mood lately!  

Also, I'd give anything to travel back in time to attend the Mirrorball tour!  In fact, I played that album so much I recently had to buy another copy!

Here is another of my absolute favorites:

"All the fear has left me now, I'm not frightened anymore, it's my heart that pounds beneath my flesh, it's my mouth that pushes out this breath..."

July 14, 2011

The Getty (Part Two)

In addition to the fantastic art and architecture (oh, and you can't forget the tram!), the Getty has a great garden!  Bright, colorful flowers, plants, green grass, a stream, and even a maze.

What is your favorite museum?

July 13, 2011

The Getty (Part One)

I didn't realize how much I love the Getty until I returned with James.  The last time I'd visited was just about 10 years ago (whoa...)!

The location is breathtaking on top of the hills, overlooking the city below and the ocean beyond.  Over the city the sun feels bright and pure and the reflection off of the glowing white buildings is mesmerizing.  I could stay up there for hours.  How cool it would be to work at the Getty!

Oh, that lawn!  My idea of heaven would be to grab an easy book, lean against the bright, warm wall, and soak up that golden LA sun!

It was a perfectly spent afternoon!

July 12, 2011

Tuesday Tune

So, have you heard of Rachael Yamagata?  Her album Happenstance has a special place in my heart, it takes me back to a sweet place.  She has a smooth, warm voice and her sound is charming and calming.  Here are some of my favorites, enjoy!

"If I could take you away, pretend I was queen...Would you think I'm unreal, 'cause everybody's got their way I should feel..."

"...and you can tell the world what you want them to hear, I've got nothing left to lose, my dear..."

"...and I wish you the best, but I could do without it, and I will because you've worn me down..."

"...and I had read all of this in his eyes, even before he said so..."

So, what do you think?

July 11, 2011

Poking Around Beverly Hills

Another stop on our Los Angeles trip was Beverly Hills.  We thought maybe we'd spot a celebrity or two but no such luck!  Instead we meandered through the streets and window-shopped.

The day was warm and calm - perfect LA weather!  My favorite parts of vacations are when we are simply wandering around without a clear destination and our afternoon in Beverly Hills was just that!

July 07, 2011

Hey Hollywood

It was James' first visit to Hollywood so we made sure to see all the sites.  This included Grauman's Chinese Theater, all the Hollywood stars, and a walk up and down Hollywood Boulevard.

We topped off the night with a delicious ice cream from Disney's Soda Fountain.  Delicious!

July 06, 2011

Lovely Los Angeles

I love visiting my best friend Michelle in Los Angeles.  Luckily for me it is an easy 6 hour drive south (or 1 hour flight!).  We haven't lived in the same city since high school so our visits are really special.  This time James came with me to see Michelle perform in the Hollywood Fringe Festival - she was GREAT!  

Her theater company is located in Hollywood, of course, so we poked around the neighborhood and after her show we jetted off into the hills to drive on the (in)famous Mulholland Drive.  We were awarded with spectacular views of downtown Los Angeles!  And as far as the eye/smog could go!  

It truly was so much fun being a tourist in a city I've visited countless times.  I'll continue to share our adventures as the week unfolds!

July 05, 2011

Tuesday Tune

What a fantastic holiday weekend - it felt just like a good old fashioned summer vacation!  We were so productive and got a lot of "to-do's" done, had great fun with friends at our barbeque, and spent yesterday swimming and relaxing at my parents' house.  I want to continue the festive mood today with a great Dave Matthews Band song:

"...still make lemonade taste like a sunny day... stay, beautiful baby, I hope you stay American baby... you could always make me laugh out loud..."

July 04, 2011

Happy Fourth!

Happy 4th of July!  Stay safe!

*This photo was taken two years ago on the 4th.  Such a fun holiday!

July 01, 2011

Journal This

"People who keep journals have life twice."   [Jessamyn West]

I almost ALWAYS keep a journal while traveling and they are amazingly awesome to read through years later.  It is not an embellishment when I say it is like reliving the entire experience, every detail!

These photos were taken at a cozy shop in Venice packed to the brim with coloful journals.  All the leather journals are handmade and simply sumptious!  I came home with two!

Happy Friday (and 4th of July weekend)!


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