March 12, 2012

Cherry Blossoms

"Upon waking, many people consider the coming day with trepidation.  Because of the natural human tendency to focus on what we fear or dislike, it is easy to unwittingly send a message of unrest into the future that negatively impacts the quality of our day.  However, while our lives are busy and frequently replete with challenges, they are also rich with joy and experiences worth savoring.  We can attract this natural bliss by starting each day with a message of love.

When you send love ahead to your day, that feeling will manifest itself in your interpersonal interactions, your professional endeavors, and your domestic duties.  Tasks and circumstances once made trying by your own anxiety are transformed by your caring, and you will find yourself approaching life's subtle nuances with great affection."

"If you are commuting to work, transmit love to the roads upon which you will drive, your fellow commuters, and your parking space.  If you have colleagues who arrive at your workplace before you, send them good wishes... Sending love ahead to everyone you will meet and everything you will do can ensure that your day is suffused with grace.

If you have difficulty directing love to those situations and individuals you deem particularly frustrating, consider that the warmth and tenderness you project can change your life for the better.  Each morning in sending this love, you will exercise your power to control the ambience of your existence and color your day with a positive force."

The passage above is from one of my companion books, DailyOM.  A source of inspiration and comfort for me.  And I think we all need a small dose of positivity for this day in particular as we are awake an hour earlier than usual! :)

And I hope these photos of the always lovely cherry blossoms can remind us of the beauty that surrounds us.  I might be stuck in an office during the day but when I venture outdoors this time of year I can't help but love the beautiful blooms I see all around me.  These trees are at my parents' home and they're close to 20 years old.  See the knobby tree trunk?

Happy Monday!  

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