April 23, 2012


I love this so much:

"There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to you when you take nothing personally."  [Don Miguel Ruiz]

This has always been a struggle for me because I find it natural to absorb how people treat me and how it makes me feel (good or bad) and it can be both so damaging and fulfilling.  I don't believe either is very healthy - ideally I'd like to be able to filter people's unpleasantness and separate it from myself.  Rationally, this makes sense to me, but emotionally it is a different story.  I find myself getting (and staying) so upset over the way I am sometimes treated because in my mind I cannot reconcile the person's behavior towards me.  It is a vicious cycle - why do I waste my time worrying?  I am my own being, independent of how others are feeling or acting, and I can go on with my day without being altered by comments.  Easier said than done and an article awhile ago on Tiny Buddha really hit home for me and validated my concerns.

The article, When We Hurt People Because We're Hurting, touched my heart with these words:  

"...Most of us have felt pain burning like a hot coal in our hands, and felt desperate to unload it, somehow, somewhere... None of us deserve misdirected rage from a family member, coworker, or stranger... We all have a responsibility to learn healthy ways to cope..."

 Most of the time I am emotionally stable (it didn't happen overnight) but I realize my self worth and value in a way that helps me deal with the everyday - sometimes things can wear on us and it is then that I find myself slipping away a little from the place I know I belong.  I appreciated this article so much in a time when I needed to hear those words.  Thank you, Tiny Buddha!

Friends, do you ever feel this way?  How do you stop internalizing things you know you shouldn't? 

Photos taken by me, November 2011, in Ranakpur, India.


Lou said...

Being an [overly] sensitive person, I struggle with this too! I think my internalizing of how people treat me has both to do with my self esteem issues and tendency towards people pleasing. Often times I take things personally and get offended when the other person didn't even mean to offend me! *Sigh... I think its just about being honest with our emotions and shortcomings, taking responsibility for our own happiness and not placing it all in the hands of others and stepping outside our ourselves to see where the other person is coming from. Whatever it is I still struggle with it..daily. haha . Great post my dear!

Dee said...

I am glad I'm not the only one!!! I definitely have the people pleasing issues! I love this "its just about being honest with our emotions and shortcomings, taking responsibility for our own happiness and not placing it all in the hands of others". LOVE!


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