May 13, 2010

My Favorite Person

We just finished our wedding website, phew!  And after writing my piece about James I knew I'd like to share it here, too.  He's just too great to not brag about!

James n  1.  Danielle's future husband  2.  One who is contagiously optimistic, happy, and relaxed  3.  One who often laughs out of nowhere and when asked answers "I just told myself a joke"  4.  A girl's [Danielle] best friend, fiance, handyman, and super hero  5.  One who listens intently, and always with a smile  6.  Batman undercover  7.  One who can always have fun in any situation  8.  One who has goals in life, but who is already successful  9.  One who has a knack for choosing the weirdest movies on Netflix  10.  One who is always on Danielle's side, no matter what  11.  One who will become a kind, dynamic, fantastic husband, and someday, father  12.  The greatest football player the NFL didn't draft  13.  One who can always make you laugh  14.  One who pronounces random words with a French accent  15.  One who never takes anything too seriously  16.  One who truly sees the good in each person  17.  One who has the natural ability to be friends with everyone  18.  One who stole Danielle's heart and will keep it forever.

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